Having your blood examined will disclose a lot of information about your health. Now it seems that you can tell if your breast cancer is recurring depending on the results of a new blood test formulated by Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center. This latest test can also tell if the chemotherapy is working. This information is useful for medical doctors as they can change to a different therapy.
“The goal is to develop a test that could be administered routinely to alert the physician and patient as soon as possible of a return of the original cancer in a distant spot.”
“Our assay shows great potential for development as a clinical laboratory test for monitoring therapy and disease progression and recurrence.”
This new test probably help those with cancers such as colorectal or lung. Having said that, the results are not so reliable if you are diagnosed with ovarian, kidney or stomach cancer recurrences.
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Apr 14
Melasma is a skin condition that generally occurs after sun exposure and during pregnancy in females. In expecting mothers, fluctuating hormone levels in most cases cause pigmented skin patches. This is certainly sometimes known as the mask of pregnancy. Melasma can also be a sign of poor liver health and inadequate nutrition in some cases. This skin problem, that may be hard to treat, causes brown to gray patches on the upper lip, chin, forehead, cheeks, forearms or on the bridge of the nose. Melasma is a lot more common in women and may also persist even after pregnancy. Like many skin conditions, treatment plan for melasma includes both external creams and skin protection and internal balancing of hormones and nutrition. Speak to your doctor or dermatologist before handling your melasma.
Balance the amount of the mineral copper in what you eat. High amounts of this mineral can be indicated in melasma. Copper stimulates melanin production in the skin and high levels can lead to excess pigmentation. When you are taking a multi-vitamin who has copper in it, please do not take this mineral separately. Do not take well over the recommended daily amount of 900 mcg of copper for adults, 1,000 mcg for expecting mothers and 1,300 mcg for breastfeeding mothers. To lower excess copper levels, eat foods which are rich in vitamin C and iron or take supplements of these nutrients.
For other people mild cases of our skin condition, prescription topical creams that contain tretinoin, kojic acid, azelaic acid, or certain steroids, which can be capable to lighten elements of the skin. Chemical peels, a skincare therapy carried out in spas or salons which uses the use of chemicals to get rid of the outer skin cells, are often utilized to help reduce the darkened skin patches. I have discovered that no other natural melasma treatment performs as effectively as http://matadornetwork.com/community/picknano/good-melasma-creams-for-travelers/ does.
Most melasma is superficial, and the best treatment (as well as prescription brightening creams) is a 20% to 30% TCA or Jessner’s chemical peel. I actually do a 30% peel on myself twice yearly to help keep my melasma from exploding. A glycolic acid peel can be done on people with darker or even more sensitive skin, since its gentler than trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Both of them are melanotoxic and could very well decrease the number of melanocytes in the area for good. Usually one to three peels (followed by microdermabrasion seven to ten days right after the peel) gets rid of the hyperpigmentation, even though the rate of success is different from individual to individual.
Applying coconut oil may help to fade other skin discolorations for example freckles, age spots, birth marks and uneven pigmentation. Coconut oil helps you to regenerate the skin. By to be able to slough off dead skin cells to reveal fresh skin, you assist the skin’s healing process. This process helps to diminish pigmentation as time passes, in a comparable, though more gentle manner, as dry brush exfoliation and acid peels. There isn’t yet sufficient evidence to back up all the claims for coconut oil’s use on pigmentation.
Skin protection against harmful Ultrviolet rays is very important to keep melasma, skin damage and skin cancers. If you see melasma anywhere on your body, it is essential to have it checked by your primary care physician or dermatologist.
Apr 14
Superfood is used to describe certain food that is rich with phyto nutrients that may improve your wellbeing. Typically they don’t have a lot of artificial ingredients, saturated fats, food addictives and contaminants. If you want to learn more about this topic, peruse the most current collection of news involving superfoods. I reckon these links will help you in some ways.
The word Superfood can mean different things to different people. But the truth is that a food doesn’t have to be exotic, expensive, or hard to find to be labelled as a superfood. The fruits, vegetables, and proteins that we have readily available are just as worthy of the title! Content Credit: http://longosblog.com/lighten-up-with-superfood-salads/
Coconut Oil: This is an antioxidant that will keep your body running smoother. Coconut oil helps bolster your immune system against viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. It can also improve thyroid function and blood sugar control. It is known to aid with digestion, reduce cholesterol and keep weight balanced. Keep reading the remaining of the article at http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/lifestyle/article/2000108127/are-you-eating-these-super-foods
Spinach, one of the earth’s greatest vegetables, can be supplemented in a variety of different ways. Spinach tastes great in salads, in wraps or even in a smoothie. By incorporating this important green vegetable into an everyday diet, one can gain significant benefits. Check Out the complete article at http://www.theracquet.net/sports/munch-on-these-super-foods-with-super-benefits-1.3154340#.U0H2_lcWfbE
Now, the MCFAs are linked to weight loss because they are directly absorbed into blood stream and more readily used for energy — increasing your sense of being full and decreasing unused fat calories leading to fat cell production. You can check out the full post at http://www.craigdailypress.com/news/2014/mar/28/superfood-tip-coconut-oil/
A normal mangosteen powder will typically show only 0.12 to 0.17 ppm of lead. But this USDA certified organic mangosteen powder contains nearly 100 times the typical levels of lead (and is obviously contaminated). This also tells you that in some cases, “organic” means nothing at all. You can read the complete post at http://www.naturalnews.com/044540_mangosteen_powder_heavy_metals_lead_contamination.html
You make a lot of smoothies. You find yourself loading them up with superfoods. Measure some chia seeds and hemp seeds. Oh, yeah, don’t forget the gelatin and vitamin C and several other things! You can read the whole post at http://gnowfglins.com/2014/03/31/superfood-smoothie-mix/