Dec 12
As you age or are exposed to the sun for a long time, the eventual emerge of dark spots is a certainty, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can look ugly when your skin is dotted with freckles which is another form of hyperpigmentation. It also creates inferiority complex unless you find a way to undo the condition with a practical solution to remove dark spots on face.
The color of your skin is determined by the level of melanin. Since melanin is directly associated with the color of your skin, how much melanin your skin produces is the key to various skin tones that we see today. With this understanding, you would like to ask how do you fade dark spots?
One of the common remedy for hyperpigmented skin is exfoliation using glycolic acid. You should be aware that it may lead to excessive redness, swelling and irritation. I think it would be wise to consult your skin care doctor. You may not know if you are an ideal candidate for glycolic acid because of your skin type.
Some may prefer to do it at home. You can buy an exfoliation set from the nearby drug store. Don’t expect it to give you similar results as the one performed at the clinic. This is because all home kits come with lower concentration of glycolic acid. You’ll not find anything more than 5% for home kits. You have to understand that your skin will not tolerate easily to the sun after the treatment is completed. Hence, a good sunblock should be applied on your skin.
Not everyone can stand the effects of glycolic acid. So, the next best alternative for dark spots removal is microdermabrasion. Usually you need to visit the dermatologist’s office. For best results, you may need between six and eight sessions. Unfortunately, when it comes insurance, you will have to use your own money. Microdermabrasion is not considered as a medical procedure that saves life.
During the procedure, a high speed spray of micro crystals is targeted on your sun spots. What happened here is that the outermost layer of the skin is removed. And your skin will look youthful. This will fade the age spots.
Microdermabrasion is an effective treatment for those who has dark complexion. Nevertheless, some reported that they did experience redness, swelling or irritation.
If you walk into any skin care counter, you will find skin brighteners that probably you have seen on TV. They seems to help to control the production of melanin. There are many ingredients in the skin care products which raises a need to examine the contents of products. Your skin may not be suitable to certain ingredients. This can lead to skin irritation.
To keep the production cost down, certain manufacturers resort to poor grade ingredients. One classic example is the use of hydroquinone. It is popular ingredient in skin whitening products. Nobody has actually expected that it may lead to highly concerned matter. Only when users experienced side effects after using hydroquinone, it was later banned in some European countries. It is always safer to use natural based products.
When it comes to treating sun spots, you don’t have to spend a lot of money. That is why you should do your own research and find out about the feedback from the users by looking up Meladerm reviews. Right now, a large number of consumers are switching to more safer ways to treat skin conditions. Does it occur to you why most doctors are not interested to discuss the option of using natural remedies? Of course, they would rather keep their mouths shut. If you strongly feel about alternative remedies and want to try them first, how are they going to make money from you?